For many people, the time when treatment has finished can be very challenging. While trying to find your way back into the life you had before your treatment, you may also be dealing with ongoing side effects from treatment and be seeking to regain self esteem and confidence. We call this a time for ‘facing the challenge of change’.

To help people during this challenge, Cherry Lodge sometime organises special events or outings. These can provide an opportunity for members to take the first step towards taking back control and moving forward in a safe and supportive environment which encourages social interaction.

Talks by Interesting Speakers

Talks on an interesting range of topics are organised most months by Yvonne. Past talks have Included: Salima from AgeUK speaking about their services; Ann Beatty, CEO of the Steve Sinnott Foundation describing their work in this country and abroad; and Mike Noronha from Barnet Museum on the history of Barnet.

Next up is a talk by Monique Deletant, CEO of ArtsDepot, North Finchley, to be held at Howard House on Wednesday 19th February at 2.30pm.

  • Gardening Project for CL members and volunteers

    January 7, 2020
    Cherry Lodge Cancer Care has been offered the opportunity to have a garden plot and to work on it with an expert within Shenley Park. You can do as much or as little as you want. No previous experience is needed – just a little enthusiasm! If you are interested, please speak to Yvonne on 020 8441 ...
  • Cherry Lodge Lights of Love ceremony 2019

    December 9, 2019
    Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s 2019 Lights of Love ceremony took place on Sunday 8th December. Despite the cold weather, there was a good turn out for this very special annual event, held as in previous years at the bandstand to the rear of The Spires shopping centre. On arrival, the organising team were met with a ...
  • Walking with Alpacas – in Elstree

    October 24, 2019
    Despite threatening clouds, the weather stayed fine on Sunday 20th October 2019, when a small party from Cherry Lodge Cancer Care enjoyed the novel experience of walking with alpacas. We were the guests of Barry and Nathalie, of Pages Stud Farm and Cattery in Elstree, who invited our group to meet and walk with their ...
  • A Milly Day treat for Cherry Lodge Members

    June 14, 2019
    A group from Cherry Lodge Cancer Care were treated to a most enjoyable day out on Tuesday 11th June 2019, thanks to the generosity of Milly Days. The Milly Days charity invites people ‘living with difficulties’ of various kinds to spend a relaxing day at its beautiful riverside property in the Thames Valley. Despite a very ...
  • Cherry Lodge Cancer Care AGM 2019

    May 18, 2019
    The Annual General Meeting of Cherry Lodge Cancer Care was held at Howard House, 23 Union Street, Barnet on Tuesday 14th May 2019. Proceedings began with a warm welcome from Margaret Clark, chairman of the CL Board of Trustees. Her audience comprised CL members, volunteers, therapists, staff, trustees and others – all with a common interest ...
  • CL Annual Talk 2019: Power of Attorney

    May 18, 2019
    Following Cherry Lodge tradition, the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th May 2019 was followed by a short talk on a topic relevant to our work. This year’s speaker was Lorna Joussain and her talk was on ‘Power of Attorney’. Lorna is a private client solicitor at Duffield Harrison, where she specialises in helping people ...
  • ‘Live Life Live Well’ – Cherry Lodge’s 2018 healthy living day

    October 2, 2018
    Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s third annual ‘Live Life Live Well’ day was held on Monday 17th September 2018 at Barnet Multicultural Centre (BMCC) in Hendon. This was a fun and upbeat day, organised by Cherry Lodge nurses, Fiona and Kirsty, and sponsored by Macmillan Cancer Support. The event was free but by ticket only, and ...
  • Cherry Lodge Cancer Care AGM 2018

    May 18, 2018
    The Annual General Meeting of Cherry Lodge Cancer Care was held at Howard House, 23 Union Street, Barnet on Tuesday 15th May 2018. Margaret Clark, chairman of Cherry Lodge, opened the proceedings with a warm welcome to the assembled group of individuals – members, volunteers, therapists, staff, trustees and well wishers – who all have a ...
  • Finding Hope on the Journey through Cancer

    May 18, 2018
    As is customary, the Cherry Lodge Cancer Care AGM, held this year on Tuesday 15th May 2018, was followed by  a short talk on a topic relating to the work of our charity. This year’s speaker was Janet Doyle Blunden, a patron of Cherry Lodge, who has been involved with the charity since its beginning. Her ...
  • Lights of Love Ceremony 2017

    November 27, 2017
    Cherry Lodge Cancer Care held its annual Lights of Love Ceremony on Sunday 26th November 2017. Despite the very cold weather, some 50 people gathered at the bandstand of Barnet’s Spires Shopping Centre to take part in this very special event on the Cherry Lodge calendar. The purpose of the event is for people to gather ...