The Cherry Lodge Centre is staffed by employees (including health care professionals) and trained volunteers, who always aim to provide a high-quality service. Cherry Lodge Cancer Care is committed to the principles of equality and diversity, and challenges discrimination of any kind.

The CL Centre staff members (full-time or part-time) are:

Olivia Bannon
Cancer Information Nurse

Alessia Biciocchi

Nisha Jain
Administration and Fundraising Assistant

Karen Kirby
Cancer Information Specialist Nurse

Kirsty Mabb
Macmillan Cancer Information Outreach Nurse

Tina Papasavva
Charity Administrator and Fundraising Events Coordinator

Linda Patrick
Operations Manager

Yvonne Shield
Macmillan Home Visiting & Volunteer Coordinator

Lorraine Takaira
Information and Support Secretary to the Nurses

The CL Shop staff members (full-time or part-time) are:

Kim Williams
Shop Manager

Annys Douglas
Assistant Shop Manager

Sheila Mundy
Shop Assistant

Sarah Quilley
Temporary Assistant Shop Manager

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