By getting family members, friends, neighbours or colleagues to sponsor you with a donation, you can raise much needed money for Cherry Lodge Cancer Care. If you are thinking of taking part in a sponsored event to raise money for us, please contact our Charity Administrator and Fundraising Events Coordinator, Tina Papasavva, on 020 8441 7000 or email

Note that since March 2022, CL has been using Enthuse to handle all new digital fundraising activities, including registering people to take part in fundraising events, and the creation of fundraising pages for individuals and groups wishing to raise money for us. Use this link to see the Enthuse fundraisers for Cherry Lodge page. It is also still possible to access CL’s old fundraising page on JustGiving.

You may like to seek sponsorship for doing something you enjoy, such as running, cycling or swimming. Or perhaps you are looking for the thrill of doing something you thought you would never dare to attempt, such as a parachute jump, a firewalk or even driving to Mongolia in a clapped out old car?

As well as organising our own sponsored events, Cherry Lodge can offer guaranteed places in selected events, such as the London Marathon and the London 10k Run. We can also support your entry in other organised events, and can give you advice about possible sponsorship ideas of your own.

If you would like additional publicity on the Cherry Lodge website, either before or after taking part in a sponsored event, please email who will pass on the information (and any photos you may want to share) to the website editor.

Sponsorship Fundraising News

Read more about some recent sponsorship fundraising activities on behalf of Cherry Lodge, as well as some that are still to come.

… and some of the bravehearts you sponsored

Included in the photo gallery on this page are some of the people who have raised money for Cherry Lodge through sponsorship. If you have a photograph you would like to be included here, please email it to

Click on the small images below to see larger, complete photographs. Use the arrows to move to the next photograph.