Group Activities
Cherry Lodge offers a range of enjoyable and beneficial group activities. They are available at the CL Centre, at off-site venues and online via Zoom. Our programme is currently building up again after the disruption caused by Covid.
Knitting Group
This group met for the first time on 29th May 2024. Meetings, for knitters at any skill level, are now held monthly at the CL centre. For more information email Yvonne or call her on 020 8441 7000.
Last Wednesday of every month from 1.30pm.
Coffee Mornings (off-site)
Members’ coffee mornings are held weekly at the Open Door Centre, St Albans Road, Barnet EN5 4LA. For more information click here.
Tuesdays from 10.15am to 11.45am.
Coffee Mornings for New Members (at the CL centre)
Starting on Thursday 3rd October 2024, CL nurses Olivia or Karen will be hosting coffee mornings for new members at Howard House. For more information click here.
1st and 3rd Thursdays from 10.30am to 12.00
Weekly sessions, led by Miranda, are now at St Marks Hall, Potter’s Road, Barnet EN5 5HY. To book a place call Lorraine on 020 8441 700. Please bring your own mat if possible.
Tuesdays from 1pm to 2pm.
Circle Dancing
Weekly sessions, conducted by Ingrid at Wesley Hall, 9 Stapylton Road, Barnet EN5 4JJ. To attend, please collect a voucher from the Cherry Lodge centre.
Thursdays from 10.30am to 11.30am.
Weekly sessions (in person, seated if wished), at Barnet Rugby Club, led by teacher Lesley Bowell. Please register your interest by contacting Fiona or phone her on 020 8441 7000.
Mondays from 2.45 pm to 3.45 pm.
Also, Seated Yoga via Zoom, weekly sessions, led by Katherine. Call Lorraine on 020 8441 700 for information.
Fridays from 11am to 12 noon.
Laughter Wellness
Laughter Wellness via Zoom is led by Cristina Lorefice. For more information please email Kirsty or phone her on 020 8441 7000.
First Tuesday of every month from 2pm to 2.45pm.
Sound Healing (Soundbath)
These monthly sessions are provided via Zoom by music teacher Alistair Smith. For more information please email Kirsty or phone her on 020 8441 7000.
Second Friday of every month from 2pm to 3pm
Mindfulness/ Meditation Sessions, run in small groups by Jeanette McCulloch, are being held in the CL centre. For more information and dates of upcoming sessions, please contact Fiona or phone her on 020 8441 7000.
Mindfulness Courses via Zoom are run several times each year, facilitated by teacher Lucy Woods. Each course is run over six consecutive Tuesdays, from 10am to 12 noon.