Volunteer support is at the heart of Cherry Lodge Cancer Care and at the heart of the services we provide. We are extremely grateful to all our volunteers, who spare their valuable time to help us achieve our mission to provide information and support to people living with cancer. Might you be able to help us in this very important way?

Volunteers at Cherry Lodge come from very different backgrounds and bring many different skills. Common reasons for joining us include wanting to meet new people, to learn new skills, to give something back to the community, and to thank us for the support we have given to them, their relatives or friends.

Whether you are looking for work experience, thinking of changing career, starting a new one, coming up to retirement or have already retired, volunteering with Cherry Lodge could be a very enjoyable and satisfying use of your spare time.

Volunteer Roles and Vacancies

Volunteer roles at Cherry Lodge are many and varied, providing opportunities for people with a wide range of skills. We currently have the following vacancies:

  • Shop volunteers
  • Receptionists
  • Reflexologists
  • Aromatherapists
  • Alexander Technique practitioner
  • Reiki practitioners
  • Counsellors, qualified
  • Qi gong teacher
  • Fundraising volunteers
  • Volunteer drivers to take members to medical appointments
  • Trustee

Read more about Volunteer Roles at Cherry Lodge.

Becoming a Cherry Lodge Volunteer

If you are interested in any of our volunteering vacancies, please contact Yvonne Shield on 020 8441 7000 or email yvonne@cherrylodgecancercare.org.uk.

All potential volunteers are invited to the Cherry Lodge Centre for an informal meeting prior to completing an application form. If you decide to apply, we will arrange an interview and, if this is successful, take up references and carry out a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) safeguarding check. There is an Induction Programme for all new volunteers, which will give you helpful information about Cherry Lodge and the role you are to play.

Reasonable expenses incurred while volunteering for us will be reimbursed, if requested. We ask for a minimum commitment of a year but hope that you will stay with us for longer if possible.

Given the nature of the work we do, there is an informal, friendly relationship between staff and volunteers. This in turn provides a warm and supportive environment for those who use our Centre.

Valuing our Volunteers

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care recognises and thanks our many volunteers, who help us in so many ways all the year round. Our 2024 national Volunteers’ Week thank you, published on this website, included a special mentional of some of our longest serving volunteers. Reading their stories might help you decide to join our team.