Summer Soulstice Virtual 2021 – still ‘Raising Money with a Smile’ to support Cherry Lodge

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care is immensely grateful for the ongoing support of Summer Soulstice, our largest and most loyal third-party fundraiser. Very sadly, for a second year, it was impossible for Barnet’s much loved annual day of soul music and family fun to take place on QE Boys’ Memorial Fields. However, the Soulstic crew once again worked tirelessly to put on a fantastic online event: Summer Soulstice Virtual 2021, held from 25th-27th June.

See the Summer Soulstice website for festival details, photos and music videos.

If you haven’t done so already, please visit to make a donation to help fund Cherry Lodge’s much needed cancer information and support services.

Pictured below is French DJ/Producer ‘Young Pulse’, who put on a truly great show for SSV21 from Paris on Friday 25th June (available to enjoy in full on the Soulstice website).