The Cherry Lodge Cancer Care Centre (Howard House, 23 Union Street, Barnet) has been gradually reopening over the past few months. Anti-Covid precautions continue to remain in place to ensure that our members, staff and volunteers are kept as safe as possible from infection. Our Information and Support Service continues to be provided by phone for those who prefer this. Some of our activities will remain online for the time being.
Currently available at the Centre
Appointments are now available to see our nurses and counsellors face to face, either at the Centre or outdoors.
Some hands-on complementary therapies – namely acupuncture, reflexology and Reiki – have been provided at the Centre since June 2021. We are hoping to increase the availability of appointments as the coronavirus situation improves.
Anti-Covid precautions in place
If you wish to visit the Centre we ask you to:
- make an appointment (phone 020 8441 7000)
- if possible do a lateral flow test before attending
- wear a clean mask
- use the hand sanitiser
- leave the building via the back door as soon as possible after your appointment
You will find that we are:
- seeing people by appointment only
- opening windows to keep the Centre well ventilated
- limiting the number of people in the building at any one time
- continuing to do lateral flow tests, wear masks and use hand sanitiser