The Cherry Lodge Cancer Care fundraising team has been meeting online during the coronavirus epidemic and now feels able to move forward with plans for the Autumn.
The need to cancel CL’s entire Spring and Summer fundraising programme was a very serious blow, presenting the trustees with a significant reduction to projected income. In view of this, we are especially grateful to our major third party fundraisers – the Mayor of Barnet’s Appeal and Summer Soulstice – for their fantastic support in these difficult times, working tirelessly to replace cancelled live events with virtual ones. The Mayor’s Gala Dinner, planned for 25th April 2020, morphed into a very successful Virtual Auction and Raffle. Next up, from Friday 25th to Sunday 28th June, was the Summer Soulstice Virtual 2020 festival, which can still be enjoyed online as Summer Soulstice Virtual 2020 Replayed. Thank you too for the ongoing virtual support of local business networking group BNI Fortune.
The Cherry Lodge Fundraising team is very much hoping that the following events, planned for Autumn 2020, will be able to go ahead:
- CL runners taking part in the rescheduled London Marathon on Sunday 4th October 2020*
* UPDATE: It was announced on 6th August that the 2020 London Marathon scheduled for 4th October will be elite only; all charity entrants can defer to next year’s event scheduled for 3rd October 2021.
- Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Barrow Tombola on Saturday 10th October 2020
- Cherry Lodge Christmas Market on Saturday 28th November 2020
- Carol singing by Barnet schoolchildren on Wednesdays 2nd and 9th December 2020
Lights of Love ceremony on Sunday 13th December 2020
Plans for a CL ball in the Autumn have been put on ice until the New Year.
Click on the Forthcoming Events notice, below, to enlarge it and read the details.