2015 Virgin London Marathon

April 26, 2015 @ 10:00 am
London Marathon 2015 route
020 8441 7000

The 2015 Virgin London Marathon will take place on the streets of London on Sunday 26th April. This iconic marathon is a major event on the international sporting calendar and is also an important fundraising opportunity for Cherry Lodge Cancer Care and countless other charities, large and small.

Please show your support by sponsoring our runners as generously as you can. Our four runners – Paul Abbot-Williams, Stephen Fletcher, Andy Georgiou and Alan Stewart – will be making a huge physical effort on the day. The least the rest of us can do is to show our support for them and for Cherry Lodge. (Sadly, our fifth prospective runner, Paul Woodward, is unable to take part due to injury).

For information on how to sponsor our runners, please see the London Marathon page in the Recent Events section of our website, or contact Tina on 020 8441 7000 or e-mail tina@cherrylodgecancercare.org.uk.

Our runners would also appreciate your support on the day. Why not add Marathon to your diary for 26th April and make plans to go and cheer them on?