A Song to Sing!
On 24th April 2015, Sainsbury’s, Hendon was the venue for the Cherry Lodge Singers’ first sortie of the year – and very successful it was too. The 15 Singers able to take part on the day were located just inside the main entrance doors, which proved a very successful move as people could hear them when they approached the store, throughout their visit and when they left.
The warm and sunny Friday morning was very busy at Sainsbury’s and there certainly were a lot of people expressing an interest in the Singers. Among the audience were some very enthusiastic tiny ones and they seemed especially keen to hear their money disappear into the Cherry Lodge collecting buckets.
People actually stopped and watched the Singers, momentarily having forgotten what they had come to do. Several joined in the singing so enthusiastically they were given the songbook so they did not feel left out!
The programme was uplifting and most enjoyable, with a selection of ever popular Rodgers and Hammerstein songs including ‘Oh, What a Beautiful Morning’ (which it was), ‘Some Enchanted Evening’ (which it was not) and ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’. We were also treated to Irving Berlin’s ‘You’re Just in Love’, a ‘Lullaby Rag’, a very tuneful song from Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Princess Ida’ and a glorious Ghanaian round, called ‘Tue Tue’. The title of this report – ‘A Song to Sing’- comes from Abba’s ‘I have a Dream’, the words of which are very spiritual and led as usual to a fair amount of audience participation.
A big thank you to Sainsbury’s, Hendon for facilitating this public performance, to the many shoppers and staff who gave us money, to Liz, leader of the Cherry Lodge Singing Group, for her excellent choice of music, to the Singers themselves and to Jean for her faultless accompaniment on the electronic keyboard.
The total raised was £167 – an excellent result for just 45 minutes of singing!
Click on the small images below to see larger, complete photographs.