Cherry Lodge AGM, Annual Report 2020 and Financial Summary 2020

The trustees of Cherry Lodge Cancer Care took the decision not to hold a public AGM in 2021. We consider that the coronavirus still poses too much of a threat to some of our members for us to hold even a small, socially distanced AGM at Howard House. It was also decided that an online AGM was unlikely to be satisfactory. Our action is in accordance with continuing government guidance to charities during the coronavirus pandemic. We very much hope that it will be possible to hold a public AGM next year.

In normal years, the Cherry Lodge AGM comprises the chairman’s welcome and presentation of the Annual Report for the preceding year, followed by a summary by our auditor, Andrew Geary, of the charity’s financial activities during that period. Both Margaret and Andrew normally answer questions from the audience.

This year, a short AGM, attended by Andrew, was held as part of the trustees meeting at Howard House on 30th November 2021. Prior to this, copies of the Annual Report and Summary of Financial Activities for 2020 were sent out to representative stakeholders who have attended CL AGMs in the past. Recipients were invited to send in any questions.

We are now making the Annual Report and Financial Summary available to a wider public via this website post. If you would like to raise any questions please do so via email to

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care Annual Report 2020

A copy of the 2020 Annual Report can be accessed by clicking here.

During most of 2020 Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s services had to be modified due to government restrictions in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Cherry Lodge staff, volunteers and therapists worked really hard and were most innovative in providing information, support and, in many cases, comfort to members and their carers during this extraordinarily difficult year.

One of the main measures to reduce the spread of the virus has been to minimise the number and frequency of face to face meetings, and as a result many activities were curtailed. CL’s main objective, as outlined in our Mission Statement, is the provision of support and information to complement the treatment and care received from the NHS and other agencies. Our centre, Howard House, was closed to members and a Telephone Information and Support service was introduced. Counselling also took place by phone. CL Support and Activity Groups normally provide an opportunity for people with cancer, their carers and families, to meet others in a similar position. It has been possible for some of these groups to continue to meet via Zoom.

Fundraising opportunities were drastically reduced. Live events were cancelled or held via Zoom. We are especially indebted to Summer Soulstice and Caroline Stock, Mayor of Barnet 2019-20, for their support. There was no sponsorship money for athletic endeavours, such as the London Marathon. We received very generous donations in response to the Chairman’s annual appeal, and contributions in lieu of Christmas cards, flowers at funerals, birthday and anniversary presents. Due to government lockdowns, the CL charity shop had to close from time to time. However, after each re-opening, the shop’s strong and faithful following came flooding back to donate and buy goods.

Financial Summary 2020

Click here to access a copy of the CL Summary Statement of Financial Activities for the Year Ended 31st December 2020. More detailed financial information is available on request.

Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’s audited accounts for the year ended 31st December 2020 were approved by the trustees and submitted to the Charity Commission ahead of the extended deadline.

Total incoming resources were down to £234,595 (from £342,022 in 2019). Activities for generating funds were very badly affected by coronavirus restrictions, with money from fundraising events down to £87,777 (from £157,335) and shop income and merchandising down to £47,394 (from £104,196). There were no significant legacies. The overall picture was improved to some extent by voluntary and other income, which rose to £99,424 (from £80,491). Most significant in this respect was £31,175 in government grants (furlough payments).

Total resources expended fell to £350,807 (from £444,360) due mainly to the unavoidable reduction in services caused by the coronavirus pandemic. It is worth noting, however, that CL was still able to provide very considerable, though modified, information, care, and support services, costing a total of £230,686 (down from £270,760).

After taking all costs into account, there was a net deficit for the year of £107,142 (compared with £80,727 in 2019). At the end of 2020, Cherry Lodge had reserves of £1,582,239 (down from £1,689,380). Reserves are held in low-risk managed funds and bonds, with the balance in bank accounts. There was an investment value uplift of £9,070, which was encouraging in the circumstances.