Chairman’s Appeal 2016 – please give generously

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Included below is the text of this year’s CHAIRMAN’S APPEAL for funds:

What a score!

At the end of May, 20 years ago, Cherry Lodge Cancer Care (CL) came to life. The year 2016 has other significant dates: 100 years ago on July 1st the Battle of the Somme took place. My uncle John survived it and used to say ‘after this everything is a bonus’, as it was such a dreadful event. That phrase resonates with many members of CL, once their cancer treatment is completed. A soldier in battle needs similar qualities as a person undergoing cancer treatment, such as courage and determination.

Over the past 20 years, the staff, trustees and volunteers who work at CL have been privileged to share not only members’ cancer journeys, but, subsequently, the bonus of their time afterwards.

To those of you who support CL, a big thank you – for others who would like to help and keep this important, vibrant organisation going, please do and celebrate with us 20 amazing years. You may wonder ‘Where Does the Money Go?‘ so here are a couple of examples:

• a relaxing massage, reflexology treatment or stress-reducing healing costs £51 a session;

• the Tuesday morning drop in (which approximately 30 people attend) costs £124 a week.

If you can help CL members so that every day really is a bonus, that would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Margaret Clark signature

Margaret M Clark (Dr)
Chairman Trustees Cherry Lodge Cancer Care

Donations can be made:

• using the online donation form on this website;

• by cheque (made out to Cherry Lodge Cancer Care), accompanied by the completed tear-off section of the Chairman’s Appeal letter sent out with the Spring Newsletter;

• by cheque (made out to Cherry Lodge Cancer Care), accompanied by a note stating the amount you are donating, your full name, address and postcode, and, if appropriate, a signed and dated declaration that you would like us to claim Gift Aid.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can make your gift go further through the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid enables us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration section of the Cherry Lodge Cancer Care Donations Form, or contact Tina Papasavva on 020 8441 7000 or email for more information about Gift Aid.