You can donate money to Cherry Lodge in several different ways. All donations, whether large or small, regular or a one-off payment, will be very gratefully received and acknowledged.

Please use Gift Aid for all your Donations

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can make your gift go further through the Gift Aid scheme. Gift Aid enables us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. We can even claim Gift Aid against the sale price of items donated to our shop. Please complete the Gift Aid Declaration section of the Cherry Lodge Cancer Care Donations Form, tick the box for Gift Aid if you are making an online donation, or contact Tina Papasavva on 020 8441 7000 or email

Donate from your Bank or Credit Card Account

Please download and use the Cherry Lodge Cancer Care Donations Form if you would like to:

  • set up a regular Standing Order donation from your bank account
  • make a one-off payment by cheque, payable to ‘Cherry Lodge Cancer Care’
  • make a one-off payment using your Visa/Mastercard

Please post cheques and completed donations forms to: Tina Papasavva, Cherry Lodge Cancer Care, Howard House, 23 Union Street, Barnet, Herts., EN5 4HY

Make a Direct Payment to Cherry Lodge’s Bank Account

If you can make a donation by direct money transfer into Cherry Lodge’s bank account, we will receive the full amount rather than having to pay an external administration fee. This is especially beneficial for us if you are planning to donate a substantial amount in a single transaction.

To make a direct payment to Cherry Lodge Cancer Care, please contact Tina on 020 8441 7000 or email for further information.

Donate Online

It is generally simple and quick, as well as safe, to donate money to us via the Enthuse charity fundraising platform. If you experience any difficulties, please contact Tina on 020 8441 7000 or email

You can use the Cherry Lodge Enthuse Donation Link on this website to:

  • make a single donation using your credit/debit card or Paypal
  • donate a set amount on the same day each month

You can also:

  • set up your own fundraising page to raise money for Cherry Lodge
  • donate via the fundraising pages of other people raising money for Cherry Lodge

Donate when Shopping Online

It is easy to make a donation to Cherry Lodge, at no cost to you, whenever you shop online using Everyclick, The Giving Machine, or AmazonSmile. After signing up with one of these sites and selecting Cherry Lodge Cancer Care as your chosen charity, you can click to donate a percentage of your purchase price to Cherry Lodge each time you shop online from that site’s participating retailers, including Amazon, John Lewis, Argos, M&S, Topshop, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, the Trainline and Expedia. Although the individual donations might be small, the amount you could raise for Cherry Lodge on a year’s online shopping could add up to a significant amount.

Payroll Giving

If you work for a company or organisation that has a Payroll Giving Scheme, you could nominate Cherry Lodge Cancer Care to receive one-off or regular donations directly from your pay. This is a very efficient way of giving to charity because donations attract immediate tax relief at the donor’s highest rate of tax. Each £1 that you give will cost you only 80p if you pay the basic rate of tax, or 60p if you are a higher-rate tax payer. If you are an employer interested in setting up a Payroll Giving Scheme, you are recommended to read ‘Payroll Giving: introduction for employers and pension providers’ from HMRC (see link below). Note that employees must be allowed to choose whether or not to participate, and to select which charities are to receive their donations.

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