Cherry Lodge Cancer Care is currently seeking to recruit additional, appropriately qualified therapists. This will allow us to increase the range and number of therapies we are able to offer as we move on after the dramatic disruption caused by the Covid pandemic.

Cherry Lodge’s fully qualified therapists provide Members with courses of planned individual therapies, which will complement orthodox treatment by providing relief, relaxation and increased immune response. Therapies can also help a person regain control within their life.

Following an initial meeting with a CL Cancer Information Nurse, your needs will be assessed and you will be advised on which complementary therapies might help you. You may then request, or we may offer you, a course of a particular therapy. Apart from acupuncture, most therapy sessions usually last for approximately 45-50 minutes.

All our therapies are provided totally free of charge to Members.


A part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture seeks to regulate and correct the imbalances of the body’s energy systems. Acupuncture at Cherry Lodge is performed by medical professionals.

Alexander Technique (not currently available)

A technique you can learn that will help you make best use of your available energy. By improving your balance, posture and coordination, the Alexander Technique will allow you to perform everyday activities more efficiently and help you cope with stress and physical problems.

Therapeutic Massage

The therapist will give you a massage to promote relaxation and feelings of well-being.

Aromatherapy Massage (not currently available)

The aromatherapist will massage you with selected essential oils to promote relaxation and feelings of well-being. Aromatherapy may not be carried out on parts of the body that are undergoing radiotherapy.

Head and Neck Massage

This is a non-invasive form of therapeutic massage, with optional use of oils, which promotes symptomatic relief and deep relaxation.


This therapy treats the whole body via the feet or hands. Reflexologists use their thumbs and fingers to apply gentle pressure to specific areas of the recipient’s feet or hands in order to promote healing elsewhere in the body.

Reiki Healing

This is a form of healing which energises and balances the body’s energy centres through the hands of a trained healer.

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